Friday, June 25, 2010

Brittany and Brian's Wedding Shower

This cake was also for a wedding shower at work, the shower was given entirely by the men that worked with Brian.  The guys were so creative, they knew the couple loved hiking and outdoor activities, so they came up with the centerpiece idea of a large rock with Lego men hiking.  It was actually really cool, I was so impressed.  They also came up with the brilliant idea for the shower gift, the couple really wanted some money for their honeymoon, so instead of giving the typical cash in envelope they went to the bank and exchanged all the cash for one dollar coins.  On each table the guys placed one coin per guest, they requested that each guest use the provided paper to jot down some words of wisdom for the soon to be married couple.  After each guest prepared their words of wisdom they were asked to take their coin and their word of wisdom and place in the treasure chest, which would be given to the couple. 

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